Friday, August 31, 2012

News Update @ Chennai - 29 August 2300 (India Time)

Dear Parents

Gateway School - A Visit to an International School 
The pupils were enjoying themselves in Gateway School, learning more about their buddies and the school culture. Our pupils attended the following classes - English Story Telling Class, Art Class Friendship Garland Making, IT Class Olympics Brochure Making and PE Class Soccer (Boys) & Table Tennis (Girls) Game.

Through these classes, both Gateway and Anderson pupils are able to learn more about each other, exchange their opinions and views and collaborate to complete the tasks together. At the end of the session, the pupils were given opportunities to share their experiences with the rest during the assembly. Jamie, Aniruddha and Wen Zhen shared their learning with fellow friends and teachers.

St Augustine Middle School - A Visit to a Local Government School
We went to St Augustine Middle School, a government school, located in a slum area in the heart of the city. We would like our pupils to have the opportunity to have a complete schooling experience in India. When we arrived at St Augustine Middle School, we were privileged to be able to have a school tour, observing each classroom closely to have a better understanding how the local children in the neighbourhood learn in their respective classrooms. The classrooms are sparingly but neatly furnished. Teaching materials used are rather basic and simple. Our pupils were impressed how a two-storey house could be converted into classrooms, schooling about 200 pupils as they asked a lot of questions throughout the entire school tour.

Our pupils also had an opportunity to have a 5-minute lesson, learning simple Tamil words, conducted by Mrs Mohan in a makeshift classroom, made of zinc. It was an amazing experience for our children.

As we walked back to our back to our bus after that, our pupils had the opportunity to observe the activities by the locals up close and personal. It was an unique experience for them!

Bishop Aelen Home for Children - A Visit to an Orphanage
We proceeded to meet the girls at the home, which is located near St Augustine Middle School. The intent of the visit is to give opportunities for our pupils to interact with the girls and getting to know them by playing with them.

While the pupils were busy interacting and playing with children, some our pupils helped to arrange new library books donated by our school at a library corner @ Bishop Aelen Home that was created by Andersonians last year. Meanwhile have our teachers were busy also busy putting up educational posters around the home for the girls. Before we left the place, our pupils also sang a couple of songs, include a few NDP songs.

Teacher's Day Celebration - A Buffet Dinner @ Savera
After refreshing ourselves at the hotel, we proceeded to a restaurant located in a five-star hotel for a buffet dinner featuring both Northern and Southern Indian cuisine. The children dedicated a song to the teachers and got a teacher's day cake for them. Wen Zhen, Aniq & Jamie also gave a thank you speech for the teachers. It was indeed a pleasant surprise for the teachers.

We reached the hotel @ 2230. It had been a long day but a very enriching one....

Ms Sue
Reporting from Chennai..

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Day 1 @ 30 Aug - Farewell to Singapore, Hello India!

News Update @ Chennai - 28 Aug 1555 (India Time)

Dear Parents

Kindly take note that we have safely arrived at Chennai Airport @ 1105h (India Time).

We had our lunch at Pelita Nasi Kandar Restaurant before heading to Gateway, The Complete School for a welcome reception. The pupils have been introduced to their buddies for the school immersion programme for the subsequent days.

Currently, we are heading to the e-Noah Solution IT Company for a IT company visit before heading for our dinner...

Stay tune for more updates and pictures taken to capture our Day 1 journey... once we have reached the Keys Hotel ...

Mdm Sue- reporting from Chennai....

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

India Immersion 2012 Day 1 - 30 August 2012

Chennai, here we come!!

We are excited to meet our Gateway School buddies later!! Do stay tuned to our updates.

Picture is extracted from

Friday, August 24, 2012

Welcome to the Parent's Briefing 2012!

Watch the space for updates and announcement.....